Why Coach?

Why Coach?

The vast majority of companies worldwide offer some form of coaching to their workforce as part of their Learning & Development initiatives. 
Coaching has moved beyond Fortune 500 companies and executives to encompass start-ups, entrepreneurs, small businesses, family businesses and public organisations are adopting coaching as a means to innovate, transform, develop and drive business success. 

Often this is in response to massive and unprecedented change. We have moved from ‘fast moving consumer goods’ to the fast moving global economy. The way we work has, and is changing rapidly. The status of IQ has been relegated to be the ‘ticket to the game’ but the game is being won through emotional intelligence, adaptability, collaboration, empowerment and teamwork in pursuit of a vison and strategic objective. 

Today, talent is the leading indicator of organisational and financial success. Human resources have rather belatedly been recognised as the true source of competitive advantage as money has become simply a commodity and technical superiority a transient advantage. People, their decisions and their actions, produce the numbers. Cognitive ability is your ticket to the game, but emotional intelligence is your ticket to excel.

Talent has become the differentiator between companies that succeed and those that are left behind. The winners are led by people who can reshape the organisation in response to change, devise strategic approaches, manage risk, seize opportunities and defend competitive advantage.

Coaching has become a method of developing, deploying and engaging leadership talent. As the business world has become characterised by increasing turbulence and massive changes, such changes have resulted in a recognised need for coaching which can support, encourage and help individuals and organisations to master changes and succeed in an increasingly competitive and challenging world. 

Furthermore organisations have recognized that training and learning is not sustained unless individualised follow-up is incorporated into training programs. Turning learning into action often faces organisational and environmental inertia which requires skilled coaching to support new behaviors and prevent slippage.

In response to the demand by business that coaching show a return on investment, studies have increasingly recognised that individuals and groups perform better with coaching and that this performance translates into business results.

Discover how CoachPlatform can
help shape the leaders of your organisation

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