Achieve long-lasting change in your employees through one-on-one coaching

Research has shown that coaching has a significant ROI by influencing behaviour change and increasing productivity in the workplace. CoachPlatform offers a personalised solution for clients from an early-career manager to a senior-level executive.
Here you will find the advantages of our 360-degree feedback model. (See Feldman & Lankau, 2005)

Advantages of Coach Platform

for Your Company

Ensure a ROI, for those who are ready to develop on an individual level, and as
a by-product the development of the organisational culture of your company, through engaging in a multi-modal 360-degree feedback model. (see Beattie, Kim & Hagen, 2014) 

CoachPlatform helps to facilitates real behavioural change in your company through the
implementation of coaches as a catalyst for the enhancement of self-efficacy
and a high feedback orientation geared towards growth.

Benefits for Your Employees

Your employee will have the opportunity to individually select a coach that works well for them. At CoachPlatform we recognise and utilise the importance of the rapport between a coach and a coachee in our feedback model. Our feedback model will involve a combination of e-learning and face-to-face learning interventions. The flexibility in utilising a combination of mediums will ensure that as a coachee you are able to stay informed and engaged, while also strengthening your relationship with your coach. (see Beattie, Kim & Hagen, 2014)

Tailored to suit employees at any and every stage.

CoachPlatform offers executive-level coaching for every employee, which can be tailored to suit
specific goals and outcomes relevant to the employee and organisation.
Employees which we can help include: 

Recently hired or very experienced managers 

Employees whom work remotely

Employees that demonstrate high leadership

Employees recently placed into new roles and/or experiencing

How CoachPlatform can improve your business

CoachPlatform integrates coaching within your company using a structured, strategic approach to target personal development, independence and flexible work strategies for employees

Growth landscapes and leadership development

  • Stay ahead of the curve, utilise the motivation to learn to coach your employees from entry level all the way up to executive coaching
  • Develop and propagate the growth of individuals as well as the organisational culture of your business
  • Set agreed upon goals, which change and develop with the landscape of your company
  • See the individual results of a 360-degree feedback model for all types
    of workers within your force (see Feldman & Lankau, 2005)
  • Flexible multi-modal learnings ensure your employees maintain engaged
    with the ordinary operations of their role, while also generating a ROI (see
    Passmore & Fillery-Travis, 2011)

Evidence-based approach

  • The last decade has seen a multitude of research supporting the positive impact of coaching for individuals and organisations, demonstrating the individual and cultural benefits of coaching in the workplace
  • A variety of meta-analyses have reported the significant ROI that coaching has as a learning intervention
  • A caring relationship between a coach and a coachee has shown a significantly positive correlation between behaviour change in the workplace
  • Research has shown eLearning combined with face-to-face learning interventions are the most effective in setting employee skill development in motion (see Passmore & Fillery-Travis, 2011)

Coaching approach suits both the Employer and Employee

  • Our coaching model is an agile, goal-oriented, yet person-centred approach tailored for you as an employer, for your employees
  • Invest in your workforce; to develop the individual, your organisational bench strength, and to develop your organisational culture, in the long term
  • Gain an edge on your competitors, utilising methods that have been shown to produce a significant ROI (see Passmore & Fillery-Travis, 2011)

Discover how CoachPlatform can
help shape the leaders of your organisation

Contact us on +61 (3) 9670 0590, or email us ( or
 click below for a demo of the product.