Our coaching model and processes have been developed in close
collaboration with leading executive coaches, utilising the
latest research in behavioral science.
This enables
CoachPlatform to offer an expert designed, proven coaching
process underpinned by the latest technology to augment and
reinforce other learning and development initiatives in place in
your organisation. Recent and valid interventions that effect a
positive behavior change in coachees and transfer this
development to your organisation, ensuring a ROI. (see Beattie,
Kim & Hagen, 2014)
Our coaching experience is tailored to each employee we work with.
It’s a personalised process which focusses on the coachee’s goals,
strengths and resources they have and their possibility for growth. We
take a positive developmental approach in that we support and
challenge employees to aspire and believe they can make changes for
the better and achieve their goals.
Based on the GROW model (Whitmore, 2009) or similar, the early
coaching sessions cover exploring the employee’s individual
goals, the reality of where they currently are, their potential
and possibilities based on their strengths and resources and the
different strategies and tactics they might employ to attain
these goals. Draft goals may be cross-checked with the
coachee’s manager, if appropriate. The role of the manager
in the coaching program can be a key asset – they play a key
role in validating the person’s goals, committing to support the
individual’s experiments on the job, to give more regular and
specific feedback on key aspects of behaviour being worked on,
etc. It is way more successful if the manager is a
co-contributor, not a bystander.
Following initial goal planning and consultation, the coachee
begins their series of regular one-on-one sessions with their
coach. Within these coaching sessions, monitoring of goal progress
will occur, celebrating milestones and achievements, as well as
discussing current challenges being faced. Furthermore, to further
solidify the learning and development which has occurred from the
coaching sessions, our coaches will recommend activities to
further develop skills and strengthen these behaviours.
Coachees are strongly encouraged to engage in regular reflective
practice, as this is a proven technique for maximising learning
and consolidating coaching impact. If reflection isn’t a natural
part of the way the coachee operates then they will be supported
in this by their coach. To aid the coachee in their ongoing
reflections on their behaviours, impacts, influences and outcomes,
the CoachPlatform will also capture relevant data. Through the use
of analyses and statistics which monitor the overall development
of the coachee, collaborative review sessions will occur between
the coach and coachee to fully discuss and monitor the progress
being made.
Our integrated executive coaching approach, driven by key
scientific evidence, provides a successful foundation for the
development of both positive individual leadership and
organisational success. Individual growth has flow on effects to
performance, productivity, and the creation or reinforcement of
more positive work environments.
• Explore how
you can best work to your strengths. Overcome work-related
anxieties and develop positive and effective leadership
• Understand more deeply how and why you work
as you do. Feel more fulfilled and grounded, and better equipped
to handle pressures and emotional challenges
• Enjoy a safe, supportive and
encouraging environment where you can openly discuss how you are
going, and make tangible changes that increase your work and
life satisfaction
• Inspire your
team to adapt and evolve, leveraging your flexible goal setting
and motivational skills from coaching
• Develop meaningful connections with your
team through enhanced workplace wellbeing and interpersonal
relationships, contributing to a more positive organisational
• Encourage others to develop core skills
required for satisfaction and productivity at the work and to
work towards achieving their own aspirations
Our coaching framework allows coaches and clients to
collaboratively focus on setting goals, mastering new skill
sets and overcoming challenges. Our approach is agile enough
to flex if goals morph or need revision as the coaching
progresses, and the technology easily accommodates this.
CoachPlatform is built based on the psychology of learning,
the efficiency of technology automation and the expertise of
experienced organisational coaches.
• The formation of a strong connection between the
coach and coachee leads to the development of increasing levels
of self-efficacy (see Wasylyshyn, 2003)
• The
processes of rapport, trust and commitment between coach and
coachee positively predicate coaching outcomes (see Wasylyshyn,
• Communication with an
experienced coach provides significant benefits in producing
behaviour changes in the workplace (see Passmore &
Fillery-Travis, 2011)
• Trusting your coach and committing to your agreed
upon goals predicts coaching outcomes (see Wasylyshyn,
• Utilising a coachee’s
motivation to learn as a critical factor to enhance learning
effectiveness (see Reynolds, Caley & Mason, 2002)
• Appreciating
and bringing an awareness to the understanding that
organisational culture and the relationship with your coach is a
significant factor in successful outcomes (see Passmore &
Fillery-Travis, 2011)
• A coaching process benefits from the inclusion of a
feedback experience(see Feldman & Lankau, 2005)
• Coachee coachee ownership
over the coaching process is a proven component for success (see
Sztucinksi 2001)
• A coachee that is
committed to progressive development will gain a level of
control and direction to create their own goals (see Sztucinksi
Leaders who have undergone coaching are better equipped to lead
their team to performance success. Teams led by individuals who
have completed coaching are more likely to perform and create
products that meet or exceed client and stakeholder expectations
(see Peters & Carr, 2013). Inspiring leaders and their teams
do this through:
• Goal-attainment:
coaching enhances goal attainment, allowing employees to achieve
at a higher level and faster pace.
• Solution-focussed
thinking: coaching has been shown to increase levels of
solution-focussed thinking in leaders, a skill that is paramount
in times of challenge or change.
• Role-clarity:
individual who have received coaching have a higher degree of
role-clarity than those who have not, meaning that these leaders
are better equipped to communicate and inspire team members with
an understanding of purpose, vision, and individual roles (see
Kalkavan & Katrinli, 2014).
A major aspect of effective leadership is the ability to lead
and maintain a team that works well together. To do this,
leaders must be equipped with the ability to delegate work,
trust in colleagues, and give responsibility to team members.
This allows teams to work at the highest level of
• Delegation requires a
framework of trust and empowerment with team members to work
independently and achieve high-quality outputs
• Collaborative
work and communication: The team’s aptitude to work together
• Behavioural change:
Enhancing leadership success, building the foundations from
stronger interpersonal relationships and connections with their
By becoming an effective leader, team development is able to
occur through effective communication and collaborative
learning. Leadership coaching has been found to increase overall
communication and overall team performance.
• Feedback:
The team providing feedback about whether their team experience
was seen as positively contributing to individual team member
learning and development.
• Trust:
Effective listening skills and transparency provides team
members with the trust and respect required for collaborative
• Growth: Positive
perceptions of the effective leader encourages a positive growth
mindset, leading to improved performance and wellbeing for both
the leader and their team members
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